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Exgene Blood SV Mini/Midi/Maxi
Accurate and consistent DNA purification from blood, buffy coat, serum, plasma, culture cells and bodily fluids
Fast, safe and simple procedure completed in 20 minutes (mini), i hour (Midi and MAXI)
Exgene Tissue(plus!) SV Mini/Midi/Maxi
Total DNA purifiction from tissue/ insect/ whole blood (plus! only)
Proteinase K ensures complete lysis of sample cells
Specially formulated bufer system minimize RNA copurified with DNA without RNase A treatment
Exgene Clinic SV Mini/Midi/Maxi
Optimized spin-column design and buffer formulation for ultraclean total DNA.
Applicable to various types of clinical saples such as Blood, buffy coat, serum, urine, sputum, BAL, Pleural Fluid, plasma, culture cells, body fluid, buccal swab, saliva, hair, sperm and (-) bacteria.
Exgene Cell SV Mini/Midi/Maxi
Total DNA purification from a variety sample types including bacterial cells and yeast with its own optimized in the manual
Definitely be a more optimized choice
Exgene Genomic DNA micro
Micro scale purification of total DNA from forensic samples such as stain, chewing gum, cigarette butts, tooth brush.
Small membrane surface area minimizes loss of sample.
Exgene FFPE Tissue DNA
Easy and fast de-paraffinization with a single signature reagent in under 5 minutes.
Safer, odor-free environment with non-xylene based buffer DP
Guarantted PCR product length up to 500 base pair
Exgene Plant SV Mini/Midi/Maxi
Stable and consistent DNA purification from a wide range of plant, cells/tissues and fungi
Perfect removal of cell debris by the use of EzSep Filter and specialized GeneAll SV column type G
Rapid and simple protocol procedure complete in 40 minutes, yielding a pure genomic DNA
Exgene Soil DNA
Simple high- performance DNA purification for various environmental samples not only soil samples but water and air samples
Powerbead tube enhanve sample pulverization for efficient lysis
Sample and fast purification of high-quality DNA within 25 minutes.
Exgene Stool DNA
Convenient method for the isolation of total DNA from stool samples
Purification of high-quality DNA by the use of ExPass Filter column
Double binding procedure and optimized buffer system
Exgene Rice SV Mini
Stable and consistent DNA extraction from sinle rice grain
ExSep Filter column for removal of impurities simply in lysate allows for the perfect removal of second metabolites
The prepared DNA is ready for use in PCR to analyze rice genome
Exgene Viral DNA/ RNA
Total nucleic acid purification from virus but DNA applying to trace of sample
Proteinase K enhances efficiency of DNA and RNA virus lysis
GeneAll CFC HPV mini
Purification of nucleic acids of human papilomavirus in liquid based cytology and cervical swab specimens
Carrier RNA enhances binding of nucliec acid to the spin column membrane
Proteinase K serves efficient sample lysis for most sample types
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