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Nucleic Acid and Protein QC System

2100 Bioanalyzer


The 2100 Bioanalyzer system is an established automated electrophoresis tool for the sample quality control of biomolecules. The 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument, together with the 2100 Expert Software and Bioanalyzer assays, provide highly precise analytical evaluation of various samples types in many workflows, including next generation sequencing (NGS), gene expression, biopharmaceutical, and gene editing research.

Digital data is provided in a timely manner and delivers objective assessment of sizing, quantitation, integrity and purity from DNA, RNA, and proteins. Minimal sample volumes are required for an accurate result, and the data may be exported in a many different formats for ease-of-use.



  • Replaceable electrode cartridges that can be easily exchanged for contamination-free switching between methods

  • The system features minimum exposure to hazardous materials to ensure operator safety.

  • The 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument is compliant with European RoHS directives.

  • For GLP/GMP environments, the 2100 Bioanalyzer system offers IQ and OQ services, as well as features to enable 21 CF Part 11 compliance.



Ambient Temperature

  • 15-27 °C


  • 412 mm

Dimensions (WxDxH)

  • 162 mm x 412 mm x 290 mm


  • 290 mm

Line Frequency

  • 50-60 Hz

Line Voltage

  • 100-240 VAC

Power Consumption

  • 60 VA

Safety Standards

  • Installation Category II

  • Pollution Degree 2

  • Laser Class 1


  • 10 kg


  • 162 mm

Anchor 1




Standard DNA Fragment QC


Perform highly accurate and precise DNA electrophoresis with the Bioanalyzer DNA analysis solutions. Together with the 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument, the DNA kits enable the analysis of next-generation sequencing libraries and high resolution multiplex PCR reactions, measuring precise size and concentration of all DNA fragments and smears. A large linear dynamic range allows detection of small impurities in PCR purifications.

Besides sample quality control of next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries, additional

research applications for the Bioanalyzer DNA assays include PCR amplicon analysis,

multiplex PCR amplicons, gene expression analysis by RT-PCR, restriction fragment analysis,

and the detection of targeted cleavage in gene editing studies.



  • High Sensitivity from laser (LIF) detection of DNA fragments down to 0.1 ng.

  • The broad linear dynamic range allows detection of weak bands without saturation from abundant fragments.

  • Sizing and quantitation accuracy and reproducibility results from pre-packaged reagents, standardized assays and automated data analysis.

  • Minimal sample consumption is required as only 1 µL is needed for the assay, saving precious material for downstream experiments.

  • Fast results are provided, with the analysis of 12 samples performed in only 30 minutes (approximately).

  • Safety is ensured with minimal exposure to hazardous materials, such as ethidium bromide, as only minimal reagents are used.


High Sensitivity DNA QC

Low input DNA Fragment/ NGS libraries


High Sensitivity DNA electrophoresis with the Bioanalyzer system enables improved quality control analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) library smears derived from just a few amplification cycles. Whether fragmented DNA or DNA sequencing libraries, the Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Kit reliably sizes and quantifies limited samples in the lower pg/µL concentration range.

The High Sensitivity DNA assays are often used for sample quality control for next-

generation sequencing libraries. In addition, PCR amplicon analysis, multiplex PCR

amplicons, gene expression analysis by RT-PCR, restriction fragment analysis,

and detection of targeted cleavage in gene editing studies may all be carried out.

Accuracy is ensured with a broad linear dynamic range and normalization to internal

markers and ladder.



  • Increased sensitivity for DNA analysis, down to 5 pg/µL for fragment analysis or 100 pg/uL for complex DNA samples, such as NGS libraries.

  • A broad linear dynamic range that allows detection of less abundant PCR products.

  • Accurate smear analysis within a specified size range of interest.

  • Enhanced sizing accuracy, normalized to internal markers and external ladder.

  • Quantitation accuracy and reproducibility calculated against precise internal standards.

  • Minimal sample consumption is required as only 1 µL of sample is needed for analysis.

  • Minimal exposure to hazardous materials, such as ethidium bromide, ensures safety.

  • Achieve improved quality control analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) library smears derived from just a few amplification cycles.



Standard RNA QC


The Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Nano assay provides reliable and reproducible characterization of total RNA and mRNA from multiple sample types, from as low as 5ng of total RNA. The software will provide an objective measurement of RNA quality with RIN (RNA Integrity Number). Validated RIN values are available for eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and plant samples.

The Bioanalyzer RNA kits allow dependable and precise integrity checks and sample

quantitation prior to any RNA-dependent application. This ensures the data from

downstream research processes, such as gene expression microarray, qPCR, and

transcriptome sequencing, are valid and reliable.



  • Maximum flexibility is enabled with options to check total RNA, mRNA, or cRNA quality.

  • Minimal sample consumption is required with only 5 ng of total RNA needed for an effective analysis.

  • Easily determine the RNA integrity number (RIN) using in-built software that automatically assigns an integrity value to a total RNA sample. This tool was designed to provide scientists an objective measurement of degradation in RNA samples.

  • RNase free consumables avoid sample degradation during analysis.

  • Accurate results are achieved rapidly, with 12 samples analyzed in approximately 30 minutes.


High Sensitivity RNA QC

Low Input RNA


The Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 pico assay provides reliable and reproducible characterization of total RNA and mRNA from multiple sample types, from as little as 50 pg of total RNA. The software provides an objective measurement of RNA quality with RIN (RNA Integrity Number). Validated RIN values are available for eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and plant samples.

The Bioanalyzer RNA kits allow dependable and precise integrity checks and sample quantitation prior to any RNA-dependent application. This ensures the data from downstream research processes, such as gene expression microarray, qPCR, and transcriptome sequencing, are valid and reliable.



  • Maximum flexibility is enabled with options to check total RNA, mRNA, or cRNA quality.

  • Minimal sample consumption required with only need 50 pg of total RNA for an effective analysis.

  • Easily determine the RNA integrity number (RIN) using in-built software that automatically assigns an integrity number to a total RNA sample. This tool was designed to provide scientists an objective measurement of degradation in RNA samples.

  • RNase free consumables avoid sample degradation during analysis.

  • Accurate results are achieved rapidly, with 11 samples analyzed in approximately 30 minutes.

Small RNA QC

MicroRNA and Exosomes 


Small RNA electrophoresis with the 2100 Bioanalyzer System allows separation and quantitation measurements of challenging RNAs, such as microRNA and exosomes, sized below 200 nt and are often present in limited abundance. The Bioanalyzer Small RNA assay provides a fast and sensitive analysis to resolve small nucleic acid samples in the size range of 6 to 150 nt.

In addition, the Bioanalyzer Small RNA assay is ideally suited for quality control of guide RNAs. In CRISPR/Cas workflows the synthesis of guide RNA (gRNA) is a key component for successful genome editing. gRNA created by in vitro transcription and purified may be run on the 2100 Bioanalyzer system and inspected for sizing, yield, impurities, and secondary structures.



  • High resolution analysis, with a sizing range from 6 to 150 nucleotide, allows for separation of miRNA smears from tRNA.

  • Minimal sample consumption. Only use as little as 50 pg of purified miRNA or 10 ng of total RNA for analysis in 1 µL volume.

  • A faster and more sensitive alternative to agarose and polyacrylamide gels analysis for detection of small RNA.

  • Compatibility with multiple sample types enables analysis of total RNA, fractionated, or synthetic samples.


Standard Protein QC


Protein electrophoresis using the 2100 Bioanalyzer System is a fast, automated, objective, and flexible solution for protein and peptide characterization, quality control, and impurity detection. The Agilent Protein 80 and Protein 230 assays provide sensitivity comparable to Coomassie Blue stains.

The system eliminates handling of SDS-PAGE slab gels, staining, or imaging steps for a more efficient workflow. Sample types evaluated using the Bioanalyzer system include protein lysates, purified protein and peptides, reduced and non-reduced antibodies, and protein stability tests.



  • Flexibility to choose the appropriate kit based on the sizing range.

  • Minimal sample consumption is required, with only 4 µL of sample needed for an accurate analysis.

  • Results are achieved rapidly, with the automated analysis of 10 samples performed in approximately 30 minutes.

  • Complete data analysis may be performed in one assay, providing sizing, quantitation, and purity information.

  • Provides sensitivity comparable to Coomassie Blue stains across a large linear dynamic range.

  • Meet GMP and GLP requirements with Security Pack, an optional software add-on feature that enables 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.

High Sensitivity Protein QC

Low Input Protein


Perform high sensitivity protein electrophoresis with the 2100 Bioanalyzer System. The High Sensitivity Protein 250 assay provides a broad dynamic range with sensitivity down to Silver Stain comparable levels. Efficiency is enhanced by eliminating handling of SDS-PAGE slab gels, staining or, imaging steps.

The system provides a fast, automated, objective and flexible solution for protein and peptide characterization, quality control, and impurity detection in the low picogram range. Compatible sample types include protein lysates, purified protein and peptides, antibodies, and protein stability tests.



  • A ready-to-use system featuring standardized assays and pre-packaged reagent kits which are suitable to analyze samples up to 250 kD.

  • After sample labeling, fast results are achieved with automated electrophoresis of 10 samples in 30 minutes.

  • Highly sensitive with an accuracy down to silver stain levels, approximately 1 pg/µL of labeled protein on chip.

  • Fully operational across a large linear dynamic range with four orders of magnitude.

  • Highly precise impurity detection, down to 0.05% and lower.


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