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CGH + SNP Microarrays



Learn about our extensive range of CGH + SNP microarrays dedicated to cytogenetic workflows. We provide whole genome CMA at variable resolutions, down to exon level, CGH+SNP arrays to analyze CN and LOH in a single experiment and application specific designs, including pre- post-natal, PGS, CNV and Cancer specific microarrays. Agilent’s CGH platform provides unmatched flexibility on content and throughput, thanks to eight different microarray formats with variable density and arrays per slide. Agilent provides a database of more than 28 million validated probes, and easy tools to customize array content based on needs. Custom or catalog, all Agilent’s CGH & CGH+SNP arrays benefit from proprietary SurePrint technology with long, high quality oligos.



Agilent non human microarrays are dual color arrays containing 60-mer high quality probes. The arrays provide comprehensive coverage of the genome, including coding and non-coding regions with emphasis on known genes. Agilent provides arrays for the following species: Chicken, Rhesus Macaque, Chimpanzee, Bovine, Canine, Rice. Refer to table for details and specifications.

Model Organisms


The Agilent Mouse and Rat CGH Microarray is a dual color array containing 60-mer high quality probes. The array provides comprehensive coverage of the genome, including coding and non-coding regions with emphasis on known genes. The arrays provide different formats and resolutions to match research needs. Refer to table for details and specifications.

Custom CGH & CGH+SNP Microarrays

Custom Design


Agilent custom CGH and CGH+SNP microarrays are manufactured to order, using the same process as our catalog products. Our patented SurePrint technology generates oligonucleotides with high complexity and sequence fidelity. A simple Web interface, SureDesign, can be used to intuitively create custom CGH microarrays. SureDesign contains over 28 million predesigned, in silico-validated human CGH probes. The probes span exonic, intronic, intergenic, CNV, pseudoautosomal, and segmented duplication DNA regions. Probes are optimized for enhanced sensitivity and microarrays are available in both HD and G3 format with no minimum order.



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